Morganton to Rutherfordton

There are 5 planning sections in the Morganton to Rutherfordton study area:

Catawba River Soccer Complex to Moore Walker House

  • Key Connections: Catawba River Greenway, Catawba River Soccer Complex
  • Key Corridors: Catawba River, Silver Creek, Conley Rd

Moore Walker House to Bollinger Gap St

  • Key Connections: South Mountains State Park, South Mountains Game Lands, Future Wilderness Gateway Trail
  • Key Corridors: Conley Rd, US Highway 64

Bollinger Gap St to Cane Creek Mountain Rd

  • Key Connections: South Mountains Game Lands, Future Wilderness Gateway Trail, Box Creek Wilderness
  • Key Corridors: US Highway 64

Cane Creek Mountain Rd to Second Broad River

  • Key Connections: Second Broad River
  • Key Corridors: US Highway 64, Cane Creek, Cane Creek Rd

Second Broad River to TBRT

  • Key Connections: Mt. Vernon-Ruth Elementary School, Thermal Belt Rail Trail, Kiwanis Park
  • Key Corridors: US Highway 64, Rock Rd, N Main Street, Southern St. 

The Overmountain Victory Trail Association, in partnership with the National Park Service and local government leaders, are currently developing a Master Plan for the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail from Morganton, NC to Rutherfordton, NC. This study aims to connect the Catawba River Greenway in the City of Morganton to South Mountains State Park and Game Lands, the future Wilderness Gateway Trail, the Box Creek Wilderness Area, the Thermal Belt Rail Trail, and Kiwanis Park in northern downtown Rutherfordton. Several alternative trail routes are being analyzed for the feasibility of construction based on factors in the natural and built environments and the willingness of landowners to provide for the trail.

Morganton to Rutherfordton section map